Star-Pointer .
Transparency. Knowledge. Focus.

Transparency, knowledge and focus are critical to sales success in each complex selling environment. StarPointer structures key information of the buying and selling process, enables learning and best practice sharing, and helps sales organisations focus on what is more important.
Clear insight into the buying process of each target client enables companies to decide in time whether or not to further engage in an expensive selling process. StarPointer provides the structured approach to collect and store essential
sales information, efficiently manage tasks and escalations, and timely expose bottlenecks.

To learn is key. By using StarPointer, companies are able to track sales cycle duration and effort in order to optimize their use of resources and profit from best practices. It becomes clear who is successful and why. What's more important, the knowledge is immediately shared across the organisation and does not stay in the heads of individual sales people.

The information obtained in each complex selling process serves as the basis for better and more informed decision making, and enhanced team selling. The creation of one or more ideal client profiles in StarPointer helps companies focus on the right opportunities and markets.

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